One young man, One old car. Endless enjoyment

Monday 5 September 2011

Rods And Race Cars, Rocks and Water

The last few weekends have been jam packed full of automobile goodness for me, Last Sunday i Got up nice and early to get my dads Holden out to the Western Bays Hot Rod show, Expecting to drive his WRX out to the show, I was shocked when, After driving the ute he said "see ya there". So i went with it, Cautiously driving down the streets, Swinging past Jades House to pick her up so we could hang out during the day.

The car made it there, No problems, scratches or dings whilst in my care. The show itself having about 100 different vehicles on display, from a vintage 1932 ford pickup truck in original condition right down to the paint, To choppers and bobber bikes, To a blown V8 Hilux Surf.

There were alot of imaculate cars on display this time round, There were the obvious stands outs of the show, like most shows there is the dollar factor, But for me thats not all that Appeals. If the award for peoples choice was awarded by me alone, The runner up would be this absolute animal...

No cheap piece of steel but Damn this thing appeals to me, Mainly because its street driven and 90% street legal... But the car that takes the cake was probably one of the cheapest in the building and not even particularly exotic was this...

The humble MkII four door escort. This thing was AWESOME! Not mint condition, But just had appeal, Huge racing heritage and did'nt have a dumpy exhaust...
It wasn't just the cars in the show that were awesome, Infact, Some of the coolest cars were the ones that turned up in the car park outside. The coolest of which, was this...

That would be a Rouch Cobra. The only example in the country and a cool way to not get a ferarri....
The Sunday just gone was also filled with Motorsport. To be exact, Shelly Bay Street Sprints held at Shelly Bay. A notoriously unforgiving stretch of road that never fails to take a victim. A beautiful day may have given the illusion of a grippy road, However this is never the case. The road is riddled with stones that get thrown onto the road if the driver before you even slightly cuts a corner making for a real hairy ride...

These facts never seem to be an issue for the people ballsy enough to race the event, But like i said, It never fails to take a victim. This year, It took a victim that really made me die a little inside...

The car came screaming round the corner sending tingles down my spine, looking like it was going to put down a very quick time... Then there were no cars... Then the clerk of the course came round followed by an ambulance... after a few minuites it came back... followed by this...

Hey, Thats motorsports... You don't enter this event if your novice, and you don't enter any event assuming you will get your car off the track as mint as it went on. But thats all part of it.

Seeing this car racing, And hearing it for the first time was pretty awesome. This car Sometimes Has sleepovers while it gets work done in the same work shop that my AE85 resides. Powered by an Abosulte screamer of an A15, This thing absolutely hauls ontop of being absolutely imaculate.

Another victim of the bay was this madcool Anglia powered by some sort of V8. Giving the bank a bit of a love tap and almost completely destroying the driverside rear quarter panel. But not wanting to pack up early he raced throughout the day with the damage. GOOD MAN!

As far as im aware, This was second fastest on the day, Sounding awesome it came past with constant blips and bangs just begging to be unleashed, Which for the most part was due to the blisteringly quick times, Only bettered by this...

The most bad ass FC3S RX-7 i have ever seen in my life this thing was fast! also carrying passengers throughout the day no doubt having an absolute blast! Now im not one who typicly enjoys the sound of a rotary, But this one had me sold. Amazing car.

My new boss turning up, Was passenger during the day in the Yellow FXGT piloted by Rob Vibert. Unfortunately Wayne was unable to race his SR20DET powered MKI Escort due to a broken finger. Fair enough considering the previously spoken about unforgiving nature. One to look out for at the up coming Port Road street sprints.

This is one event i don't think i will be entering right away when my car is done but is one that i can see myself enjoying thoroughly. On topic of the AE, it now has no fuel or brake lines and will be hit with a few cans of paint stripper so i can get the engine bay and interior of the car painted by dave, The owner of the pristine yellow datsun Racing above, At Classic Panel and Paint in Newlands.
Exciting, Expensive stuff.


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