One young man, One old car. Endless enjoyment

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

the arrival

Wednesday night just one week ago, i picked up my new pride and joy. the ultimate in tofu delivery vehicles.
to the untrained, blind or otherwise holdenford goober eye, the primered, guard less window less corolla sitting on the trailer wasn't worth the look. but to me? well lets just say i couldn't keep my eyes off the rear view as i watched my primered piece of Japanese motoring history bounce around behind me.

Into the shop it went. pushed right to the back next to and behind some benches. in place of my beloved starlet which you will hear about next up.

As you can see, The car is full of stuff, never mind the extra stuff i had to go pick up from the previous owners house. my goal is at this stage get everything sorted. find out what goes where and what goes in what hole.
things have come out and been put in the kindly donated garage with more to come.

as it sits now i have the original guards on it, the once protruding intercooler and radiator are off for good and the motor is almost set to be pulled out.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^
sexy bum

many thanks to Peter Zivkovic for the use of his work shop and trailer and everyone thats helped push, pull, and put up with me and the car so far.

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